Module One Post Nine(Maths and Dance)

This slideshow talked about the use of some mathematical terms and topics when dealing with: music and rhythm, shapes, movements executed, spatial organization, and symmetry. Dancers form lines and simple shapes with their bodies such as circles and triangles, as well as more complex shapes. It’s important that dancers have a good understanding of geometry and angles so they can make the correct shapes.

Image result for ballet anglesRelated image

Despite being a slideshow this site was very helpful and had a lot of good information. It had a lot of good pictures as well that I could connect to the information. The pictures displayed on the slideshow also helped me understand the information better.


Module Two Post Four (architecture with 2 point perspective)

This time, I have used a video to write my post about. In this YouTube video, it shows whats said to be an architect use two point perspective techniques. However, the way he drew lines were different than what the typical way of drawing this way is. he used a sort of bendy material that is secured on each vanishing pint, and bends the string to draw the lines pointing to each point. This way works, but is just a different method.

As what many people know, architects use a ton of math when sketching out the blueprints/ideas. They need to make sure the building is sturdy, and is in the right proportions so that when they start building, it is correct and has good measurements.

Module Two Post Three (2 point perspective)

In this website I found, I am going to mostly talk about how two point perspective fits in with math. To state the obvious, this type of perspective is used a lot in geometry. As each shape is drawn, it will be either perpendicular, or parallel to each other. every line that is drawn will make its way to one of the vanishing points, creating angles as it goes.

You can think of the process of drawing two point perspective like a formula for math. It has multiple steps that has to go in a certain order to make the answer (drawing) correct.

Two Point perspective Drawing: How To Guide - Step 17

These are the two drawings that are made in the website I have explained. As you can see, you can see there are multiple 3D prisms that are used to create the scenes.

2 Point Perspective Drawing: Step by Step Guide for Beginners

Module Two Post Two (Going deeper into techniques of 2 point persepcetive)

Once again, I am not using a website, as I felt that I needed to write a new post to go deeper about the techniques I breifly mentioned in post sixteen. My art teacher, Ms.Lehtonen did a whole unit about perspective drawing. In that unit she taught us how to draw in that way and how the mathematical techniques that are used.

I already mentioned that you always need to use a ruler, but that is not all. There are only certain amount of lines that are used. these lines are vertical, and diagonal pointing to either of the vanishing points. These lines will create angles which will help you know how big the other corners will be. The angle made in one corner of ( a building ), will be the same as the all the corners that look like they are in that position.

Image result for two point perspective

This image greatly describes how each corner is the same as if a mirror is placed between each horizontal line, the other corner will be equal.

Module One Post Fifteen (how precise perspective drawing is)

In perspective drawing, everything needs to be exact, (except for organic lines). When I draw perspective in my art class, we require a ruler at all times. The lines all have to be the same length or else it will be out of proportion.

There is a thing called orthographic projection which is a projection used for architects, and engineers. It talks about how all the lines have to be parallel.

Module One Post Eleven (steps for perspective drawing)

This website goes through the steps on how to draw in perspective. You need these basic factors when you are drawing this way. Every time you are drawing perspective (it doesn’t matter what kind) you need a vanishing point, and a horizon line. For one point, only horizontal, diagonal, and vertical. For two point, you can only use diagonal, and vertical (excluding the horizon line).

In one point there is only one vanishing point and for two, its two points. All of the architectural lines should point to either of the vanishing points. If one of them are pointing somewhere else, you are doing something wrong.

This website also talks about zero point perspective, which I haven’t seen in any of the other 10 websites I have visited. In this case, there is no vanishing point, so there are lots of organic lines (non geometrical). It is used in landscape drawings where there are no parallel lines.

Basically, everything close should be big, and get smaller the further it is away. There are 4 types of perspective that are one point, two point, three point, and zero point.

Module One Post Ten (vanishing points)

Perspective drawings all have vanishing points. The more you have the more difficult the drawing gets. The term orthogonal lines are a mathematical term. in this case they are the lines that get farther away from us, and later meet. Now lets talk about the number of vanishing points. If you only have one, lines (orthogonal) will go to one point on the page. However, if you have more than one, that means there will be lines going everywhere. since the lines would go in all directions, it would be harder to draw.

Image result for three point perspective

Here is an example of three point perspective.

Module One Post Eight (math in drawings)

This website mostly talks about the mathematical aspects in perspective drawing. There are about three mathematical things to look for next time you see a drawing. They are the relationship between the lengths of the edges of the cubes, the angles between them and parallel and perpendicular lines.

multilink structure

Here is the picture the website provided us. As you take a close look at the picture, you can observe the angles and lengths of the cubes. Also the way the lines point and how the angles are, looking this way at the cubes.

Module 1 Post 9 (Maths and Dance)


This site explains what math is in ballet, and although it is a slide show it was still useful. This site showed examples of how math is in ballet, there are music and rhythm, symmetry, shapes and even movement. Dancers form many shapes and lines with their bodies so they must understand geometry and angles.


This site was helpful because although it was a slideshow there was still information that I could use. I could see the pictures and connect it to the information. This is also is one of those sites with multiple connections to dance and math. I like these sites because I can extract more information out of it.

Module One Post Six (Different ways to view drawings)

This website I can say is probably the best website I have come across so far. It talks about all of the aspects and elements of math and the geometry in perspective drawing. It also has easy to understand descriptions.

there are many ways you can look at a drawing such as upward, downward, and eye level. for an example, you are drawing cubes, and looking at it from an upward perspective, the vanishing points will go downwards, making the illusion of looking at something higher than you. If you remember from my other posts what vanishing points (where the lines disappear, because it has gone too far away to see) and vertices (where two lines meet) are, this will be easier to understand. 

The left drawing shows looking downwards, and the right one is showing how the lines and cubes work when you are looking up at something.