Module one Post Six (Levee Dancers)

For my sixth post I have chosen a website that explains more styles of dance before it evolved into tap dance. This website talks about how before soft shoe dancing, it started with pedestal dancing. Pedestal dancing is when the dancer dresses in in a certain colour and dances on a pedestal in a statue like manner. It also talks about Levee dancers. Levee dancers were Negro slaves who would dance on their boats making rhythms by stomping and doing various movements with their feet. This website also introduces wings. A wing is when the dancer jumps up into the air and while they are getting into the air their feet brush out to the sides and back in again when they come down. There are various kinds of wings, for example, the is a double wing, the most basic wing to do. A double wing is when both of your feet brush the ground at the same time when jumping up and landing. A pendulum wing is when one foot does a wing and in between each wing, the other foot brushes back and forth. I think this a very good website to use because there are lots of information on what kinds of dance came before tap.