Module One Post 11 (Kinematics)

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This resource comes from a site already mentioned, however i am just further explaining each video. This video here defines what kinematics is and how it is applied in hockey. First kinematics is the way to define a moving object by position, velocity and acceleration. Position is where located on the ice, velocity is the speed/aggression in the strides. Lastly acceleration is the calculation of standstill speed to top speed which most NHL players can hit around 30 miles per hour. In all this is a very handy website, with very informative and true information. An extremely reliable site that will help me throughout the project.

Module One Draft Two (Hockeymath)

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In this site it provides information that was mentioned in previous sites, however it goes  deeply into extreme ideas/concepts. Some examples are Kinematics, Newton’s three laws of motion, Hockey geometry, vectors, impulse/collisions and Projectile motion. All these subjects are explained and visualised by video, unfortunately I could not get a hold of the links of these videos. Continuing, this website displays a further/more detailed look into hockey, which i believe will be able to help me when looking into more complex ideas of math. Great site, definitely suggest it to others, as it is a good visual representation of how hockey is related to math.