Module One Post Seven (The Mathematical Reasoning Behind Dance)

This website talks about the mathematical reasoning behind dance, but more specifically ballet. One example the website gave is, symmetry, it´s very important that one side of the body matches the other side. Being symmetric helps a dancer with balance. Symmetry usually contributes to the formations of the dancers in a dance. Another example is rhythm, dancers must be able to count the number of counts in a step as well as the beats in music. The most counts in a full set 8.

This site was helpful because not only did it explain the different connections between math and ballet, it also explained why they believed math was in ballet. This website not only explained the connections between math and ballet but other dances as well.

Module 1 Post 11 (The Physicist Who Figured Out Ballet)

I found a site with information on how ballet is related to physics. Ballet involves physics and this site had a lot of information. It explained which moves had physics and how to apply it. It was written by Kevin Laws who is a actual ballet teacher now and who wrote three books. He explained that ballet is much more then practice and really strong toes.

This site helped me because there were multiple examples on how ballet involved physics. Most sites just list one example but this site had multiple. I can also apply this while I’m doing ballet, and I can understand it better if I had my own experience. But overall this was a very helpful site.



Module 1 Post 7 (The Mathematical Reasoning Behind Dance)


This site talks about the different math in ballet. This site uses many examples. There are examples such as Rhythm in ballet, symmetry, geometry, and more. It shows pictures as examples. If a dancer is off symmetry then they could lose balance and get injured. If a dancer isn’t counting then he or she will be off time with the rest of the dancers. There are also several angles in dance and dancers form shapes with their bodies.


This site was helpful because it was like one of the previous sites I used except this site had more details. This site actually explained why they thought math was in ballet. This site also showed different dances and not just ballet. There was also tap, because rhythm in tap is very important. If you’re off beat in tap then your taps will just sound like noise.

Module 1 Post 6 (The Geometry In Dance)


This site talks about the angles in dance. However it doesn’t really talk about ballet but it was still useful. This site says that it is important to keep yourself symmetrical in dance and that our bodies form many different angles while doing certain steps. Symmetry is important for balancing in the world of dance so every dancer should maintain their symmetry.


This site was useful because now I know how important symmetry is in ballet and if I ever need to stay balanced in ballet I know it’s because of the symmetry. This site is also useful because if I want to swerve away from ballet and learn more about the dance in general I have this site.