module one post nine ( is the official website for my chassis provider, Italkart. They produce the highest quality, best performing chassis’ on the market today. I have one of these chassis and race it very often. This website outlines the information on the chassis and the specs.

There is a lot of math behind the chassis and the adjustments related. On the chassis, you can adjust the height of the suspension, width of rear tires, and many others that can dramatically effect the performance of the kart. It is all about getting the adjustment. If I decide to use anything about the chassis for this project, having all the chassis information in one place is very helpful, especially since the information is on the same chassis I use.

module one post 6 (Italian Motors Kart Mechanics)

Italian Motors go kart mechanics are by far the best source for me if I decide to use information about fixing the go kart or the engine of a go kart. I know these mechanics very well. They work on go karts everyday. They know the ins and outs of the go kart the best because they work on them everyday.

These mechanics will be very helpful for me. If I decide to use information about the go kart or engine, they will know the answer and be able to help me understand better. They will also be able to show me how to fix or change certain parts of the go kart or engine. Having people that work on go karts everyday will definitely be able to help me.