Module 1 Post 2 (Symmetry, Geometry…Dance?)

On this website it says that dancers must understand the symmetry and geometry just as well as counting the music. Dancers use symmetry in a lot of steps, such as turns. During the turn they must whip their head around. This step is called spotting. It helps dancers turn without getting dizzy and falling and it helps with going in a straight line. This relates to symmetry because without the dancer would fall over because they can’t spin continually. If you’re spinning a ball for example there are many rotational symmetries. However the human body has none. If you don’t spot then you would probably fall. In the ballet Swan Lake the Black Swan must complete several pirouttes and fouettes. And it is very important that she spots. Every dancer uses symmetry and geometry in a performance. This helps the dances look appealing.

This helped me because if I want to focus more on symmetry and geometry for this project I will have this site. This sites provides lots of information. This also helps me understand the angles and shapes in ballet and how whipping your head in a spin is important to stay on balance. I’ve inserted a clip of the Black Swan turning and spotting.


Module One Post One(Correlation between math and ballet)

This post by Ashley Chin-Mark explains some of the many correlations between math and ballet. She explains how in ballet the dancers need to be aware of both negative and positive space, as well as study symmetrical movements and shapes. Dancers also need to calculate as well as predict how to best use the stage to perform their routines.  She also talks about different alignments of body parts especially in the 8 corners method and how dancers rotate their bodies, in order to achieve symmetrical lines. 

Image result for ballerina geometry

This post is helpful to me because it has a lot of detailed information with really specific examples of when and how math is used in ballet. Also, it showed me that dancers need to make a lot of calculations as to how to best use the stage to perform their routines, as well as avoid from accidentally bumping into/kicking each other.

Module One Post One (Correlation Between Math and Ballet)

On this site it talks about the relationship between math and ballet, like ballet and fractions. This post is by Ashley Chin-Mark. It shows the origins of ballet and the different types of math behind ballet.There needs to be exact measurements to create the perfect pointe shoe. And the different angles and how they need to be perfect to do the perfect lift. This site also explains that Aurora (from the Sleeping Beauty ballet) needs to have the perfect pirouettes and ponches. 

This is helpful to me because it shows me there is much more to each move and step.  Each arm line has to be straight and if it isn’t then the symmetry is off. It shows that there IS math in ballet and that ballet is much more complicated than it seems.