Module One Post 6 (watercolour)

(Source: Art  teacher)

Watercolor compares in range and variety with any other painting method. Transparent watercolor allows for a freshness and luminosity in its washes and for brushwork that makes it a most alluring medium. There is one basic difference between transparent watercolour and all other heavy painting mediums–its transparency. The oil painter can paint one opaque colour over another until they have achieved their desired result. The whites are created with opaque white. The watercolourist’s approach is the opposite. In essence, instead of building up he leaves out. The white paper creates the whites. The darkest accents may be placed on the paper with the pigment as it comes out of the tube or with very little water mixed with it. Otherwise the colours are diluted with water. The more water in the wash, the more the paper affects the colours; for example, vermilion, a warm red, will gradually turn into a cool pink as it is thinned with more water.

Module Two Post Two (Going deeper into techniques of 2 point persepcetive)

Once again, I am not using a website, as I felt that I needed to write a new post to go deeper about the techniques I breifly mentioned in post sixteen. My art teacher, Ms.Lehtonen did a whole unit about perspective drawing. In that unit she taught us how to draw in that way and how the mathematical techniques that are used.

I already mentioned that you always need to use a ruler, but that is not all. There are only certain amount of lines that are used. these lines are vertical, and diagonal pointing to either of the vanishing points. These lines will create angles which will help you know how big the other corners will be. The angle made in one corner of ( a building ), will be the same as the all the corners that look like they are in that position.

Image result for two point perspective

This image greatly describes how each corner is the same as if a mirror is placed between each horizontal line, the other corner will be equal.

Module Two Post One (two point perspective in math)

For this post, I decided I could show my own knowledge that my art teacher has taught me about two point perspective. So, I am not using a website. I learnt that everything has to follow the mathematical rules, or else the perspective will look wonky. First of all, whenever you are drawing you need a ruler. If you dont have this essential item, this will make the lines uneven and some lines might not be the same length.

An example in which this type of drawing is used is in the typical 3D diagrams we have used a lot in our surface area and volume unit.

Image result for 3d box

This picture is created using the tecniques for two point perspective. However you can draw it by hand without structure, but by doing so, it will not be correct in art and math terms. If you have taken the time to look into my older posts, you can examine what the stucture and rules of drawing 3D shapes are.



Module One Post Four (geometry)

Geometry  is a branch of mathematics about shape, size, relative position of figures, and the properties of space. A mathematician who works in the field of geometry is called a geometer.

Geometry arose independently in a number of early cultures as a practical way for dealing with lengths, areas, and volumes. Geometry began to see elements of formal mathematical science emerging in the West as early as the 6th century BC.By the 3rd century BC, geometry was put into an axiomatic form by Euclid, whose treatment, Euclid’s Elements, set a standard for many centuries to follow. Geometry arose independently in India, with texts providing rules for geometric constructions appearing as early as the 3rd century BC. Islamic scientists preserved Greek ideas and expanded on them during the Middle Ages. By the early 17th century, geometry had been put on a solid analytic footing gby mathematicians such as René Descartes and Pierre de Fermat. Since then, and into modern times.

While geometry has evolved significantly throughout the years, there are some general concepts that are more or less fundamental to geometry. These include the concepts of points, lines, planes, surfaces, angles, and curves, as well as the more advanced notions of manifolds and topology or metric

Gemoetry is one of the core parts of art you ,in every drawing artists create you coul d fund geometrical shapes in them.

Module One Post 2 (M.C Escher: A mathematical artist)


Famous artist M.C. Escher was born June 17, 1898 in Leeuwarden, Netherlands. M.C. Escher created an art style that played with orientation and space. Later embraced  by both artistic and math/sciene communities.M.C. Escher died march 27th 1972.

M.C. Escher’s art often was perspective art and he used lots of math related techniques like the golden ratio, and using diagonal lines to create a perspective.

personally M.C. Escher is one of my top 3 favourite 20th century artists the other two being Salvador Dali and Keith Haring

Image result for mc escher art

(“relativity’ by M.C Escher 1953)



Module One Post Five (Mathematicians)

Mathematicians use art with math. They decide on a shape they want to draw, and measure it on all sides. Then they calculate all the sides and the results would be adding all the sides of the shape. This is a sign of art because Mathematicians get to sketch out the shape they want to use, and they have to measure it so it’s equal to all sides. I learned that it’s also called a golden ratio and that a artist Leonardo Da Vinci used it for his drawings.

Module One Post Four (Tessellation and Math)

Tessellation is a kind of pattern that repeats itself. It’s also called tiling in short form. The reason why I’m choosing this topic is because I think that it goes well with math and art. Tiling has math in it because of the shapes in the drawing or picture. So if people would try to make it as a math equation it would be them measuring the sides of the pattern. What i learned from this topic is that people could use different tiles to make a math equation and that it could be useful for different shapes and sizes.

Module One Post Three (Patterns and Mathematics)

Patterns and Mathematics are very common, because it’s easy to understand. When you’re trying to explain to someone about math, it would be very difficult. Patterns and Math can also be related to art in a way. Patterns can be like colorful shapes, which is a sign of art. There are many examples of patterns. There could be numbers of patterns, or shapes of patterns. What I learned from this website, is that many people can understand the meaning of pattern in math.