This source is a Youtube video. In this video it shows how some clips from Hollywood movies are made using math. Like where lights are put, angles of the camera, how many cameras are needed and how the person needs to move or stand.
Category Archives: Inquiry
Module One Post Eleven (PIC Math – Creating More Realistic Animation for Movies – Segment I)
This source is a Youtube video that shows us how objects or something is moved to make it seem more realistic on a computer. It shows us in some examples how they are moved and what they do to make it seem more realistic. (Lifting upwards, to the side, etc.)
Module One Post Twelve (Math in Basketball)
This website show the geometry about the backboard. The backboard is measure in meters and the geometry is used in bank shot of the backboard. It show that is better if you shoot inside the board and it better to shot the backboard from far range.
This helps me because the backboard is very use full and keep the score easy to shoot. it’s also important to know the measurement of the backboard because some back board is different so maybe is harder to shoot.
Module One Post Eleven (Math in Basketball)
This website shows the percentages of an angle shot, the percentages of the half court shot, the basketball player use the determine of the percentages shot, and bank shot is use for geometry. If a player shot left side 45 degree angle then it bounced on the right side of the backboard.
This helps me because it show the percentages of the half court shot and it’s important because the coach can see what position should we use. It also show the angle of the distance shooting point from the backboard.
Module One Post Fifteen (how precise perspective drawing is)
In perspective drawing, everything needs to be exact, (except for organic lines). When I draw perspective in my art class, we require a ruler at all times. The lines all have to be the same length or else it will be out of proportion.
There is a thing called orthographic projection which is a projection used for architects, and engineers. It talks about how all the lines have to be parallel.
Module One Post Fifteen (hockey goalies)
video used:
In this video, sports science (company) wondered rather than having athletic goalies in net, if they put a big goalie in net that covered over 90% of the net, would they stop a shot of over 70mph? They’re results clearly showed that a athletic goalie is better than a big one, this ties in with reflex and reaction time. As it is a key in the game of hockey. I found this video very informative and entertaining. A great video, demonstrating that size/mass is not a big factor.
Module One Post Fourteen (reaction time)
In this video, they compared reaction time between a cat and a goalie. It was shown using professional hockey players, both goalie and player. The goalie can react use as fast as a cat, however for the goalie, it was not a reaction it was a reflex. Human are not capable of reacting 1/10 of a second however they can follow the puck and know where about it is located. Overall a cool and informative video, displayed and explained very well. Definettly recommend to others!
module one post 14 (Iame karting)
Iame is a go kart engine brand that is very popular and has a very good reputation. Their engines are well known and are highly used in competition. Their website,, sells all the motors they make and gives all the information that you need to know about them.
If I decide to use something related to the mechanics behind karting, this site will be very helpful to me. With all the information needed about the engines in one place will make the project much more efficient.
Module One Post Fourteen (math in art)
This time I substituted the website for a video, and it clearly explains drawing perspective in math. You need geometry, and angles to make sure everything is in proportion.
In one point perspective, when you are drawing the object like a cube, the lines has to create a 90 degree angle. After, the lines that finish up the cube have to be parallel to each other. All of the lines have to be straight too. (unless you are drawing 0 point perspective.)
As you watch the video, you can see that first, the basic shape that defines the soon to be cube is 2d. When you form the cube, it turns into a 3d shape.
Module One Post Thirteen
Cite used:
Hockey takes advantage of one of the most precious liquids in the universe, water. Water is used as ice in it’s solid form. A hockey rink is 200 feet in length and 85 fee wide, therefore takes around 10,600 gallons of water to fill to about an inch. However, water expands when solidified, thats why some pipes break. This is how zamboni’s play a huge roll in the process of maintaining ice. It first removes first layer of ice, then puts new coat of water after finished. Therefore removing solids/refurnish ice before next period. This will be helpful when looking at the rink and it’s design. An amazing source of information!