Think About It Thursday

Good morning lovelies! I am having a hard time keeping up with all your posts so I apologize for taking so long to respond. You are working so hard and I am very proud of all of you 🙂

Today we have a mixed bag of activities. Mr. Wu is still planning on having his workout so get ready for that and I have some things for you to do as well.


Use these letters to make as many words as you can. I challenge you to find words with more than 4 letters.



Would you rather have a lot of money, or a lot of friends? Explain your answer.


Which One Doesn’t Belong? (W.O.D.B?) – Remember to explain your choice.


Guess my Number

– I’m thinking of a 4 digit number. When you add the digits together you get 10. There is no zero in my number. It is an even number. The number in the 1000’s place is odd. So is the number in the 10’s place.

Word Problems

#1 – Johnny made 12 goody bags for his birthday party. If he put 2 balloons and 2 whistles in each bag, how many items did he need to buy in order to fill each bag?

#2 – I made 32 cupcakes. I put them in containers. Each container fit 4 cupcakes. How many containers did I fill?

#3 – If I have 2 tables and 8 chairs, how many legs will there be? (assuming these are regular tables and chairs)

#4 – I have a red shirt, a blue shirt, and a white shirt. I also have black shorts and green shorts. How many different outfits can I put together?


Still life – This style of art typically involves drawing, or painting inanimate, everyday objects (in other words, ‘things’ you find that are either man-made or they can be natural) For example, when you see a picture of a vase with flowers, it is called a still life.

*Find something in your house that is an everyday object, and try to draw it. Pay close attention to detail. Take your time.

Have an amazing day!

28 Replies to “Think About It Thursday”

  1. Math W.O.D.B

    I think square is the odd one because it’s the only one with no C. Also I think circle is also the odd one because at the end of every other shape it has another word but the circle has no word at the end.


    I think the odd one is the number 64 because it’s the only number that is even. I also think the number 55 is the odd one because it’s the only one that has the same number.

  2. Journal

    I would rather have friends then money because even if you had all the money in the world and you could have any thing you want you can’t just bye friends. Another reason is that would eventually get bored of everything toy or game you bought but if you have friends you will never get bored. But if I had a lot of money but I am able to make new friends I would choose money.

  3. Hey Ms.Armstrong.

    I read the (guess my number) problem and it doesn’t make sense would you be able to explain it to me or fix it ?

    Thank you

    1. I’m thinking of a 4 digit number. When you add the digits together you get 10. There is no zero in my number. It is an even number. The number in the 1000’s place is odd. So is the number in the 10’s place.

      Break each part down. You know you need 4 numbers. You know it is even so you you need either a 2,4,6,or 8 in the 1’s place (there’s no zero). The first digit (1000’s place) needs to be odd so that’s 1,3,5,7,9. Same with the 3rd digit (10’s place). THEN, when you look at the digits you chose, do they add up to 10?

      Does that help at all?

  4. Word work

    1. stamp
    2. Mason
    3. smart
    4. Manor
    5. sharp
    6. Paris
    7. Sports
    8. shops
    9. Sonia
    10. shots
    11. props
    12. points
    13. short
    14. paint
    15. moist
    #1 circle because triangle, rectangle, and square are with sides
    #2 64 because 37, 83, 55 are odd and 64 is even

  5. #1 Math

    What I know

    12 goody bags and 2 whistles and 2 balloons in each goody bag

    How many does he need?

    12 times 4=48 He would need 48 all together.
    12 times 4= 48 % 2= 24 He would need 24 whistles and 24 balloons.

  6. #4 Math

    R=red shirt b=blue shirt w=white shirt Bs=black shorts g=green shorts

    R&BS R&G B&BS B&g W&BS W&G
    1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
    You can wear 6 different outfits

  7. I would have a lot of friends because have you ever heard of the phrase ” Quality not Quantity? I think I would rather have hundreds of friends not hundred dollars of money. Although I want to have friends and money you can choose one and I choose friends. I would love to have so many more friends in the neighborhood! If you had money then you would be rich but will you have much friends? Now that is a good question. Think about it!


  8. Journal

    I would rather pick a lot of friends, because if you have a lot of money you think you are cool with it and if you have a lot of friends you can talk to them about a lot of stuff, and If you have a lot of friends you can play more often. Having more friends than money can make you happier, because if I don’t have anybody to play with, you can just play with one of your friend, if you don’t have anybody to play with. With friends you won’t be lonely, with money people think that is what they need, but friends will make your life better and fun. With money you can keep, with friends you can have people to play with, and if you have friends you will be grateful, because without friends people will make fun of you, so if you have friends you won’t get bullied. If you have lots of friends you can play together, if it is recess or gym you can play with your friends. Real friends will be there for you with or without money.

  9. Word problem

    1. johnny needs 24 balloon and 24 whistles a total of 48 items.
    2. You need 8 containers to fill.
    3. 2 x 8 = 16 legs.
    4. 6 outfits.

  10. What would you have a lot of friends or a lot of money
    I would rather have lots of friends because if some bullies came and were being mean then I would have some support from my friends. We would say get out of here and they would be out numbered. We would bike ride every day but because of the CRONAVIRUS we can’t play anymore . We still do fun stuff at home. So why I would like friends more than lots of money is because they will always have my back.

  11. Journal writing
    I would rather have more friends than money because friendship is free but money i expensive and friendship is much more important than money people think that being rich will get every bodies attention and they will be popular and everyone will love them but no they will think they are spoiled and nobody will love them.

  12. I would rather have lots of friends than have lots of money because if I had lots of friends I could play with them at recess. If I didn’t I would be lonely on the playground. I know having friends is much more fun because you do not need to set on the ground watching others playing with there friends.

    Word Work

    The circle doesn’t belong because it doesn’t have sides.
    55 doesn’t belong because there the only one with the same number.
    1) He needed to buy 48 items.
    2) You need 8 containers.
    3) There are 40 legs.
    4) You can wear 6 different outfits.

  13. Word Work sharp,hair,stop,soap,harm,storm,math,main,Tim
    1#circle because it has no sides
    2#83 because if you add it’s 11 and the others make 10
    Guess my nunber
    your number can be 1216,3232,5212 and 1234.
    Word Problems
    1#Johny bought 24 balloons and 24 whistles 12Ă—2=24 ballons 12Ă—2=24 whistles.
    2#you filled 8 containers 32Ă·4=8
    3#Thier are 40 legs 2Ă—4=8 and 8Ă—4=32 32+8=49
    4#you can put together 6 outfits.
    red shirtĂ—black shorts,blue shirtĂ—black shorts,white shirtĂ—black shirtĂ—green shorts,blue shirtĂ—green shorts,white shirtĂ—green shorts.

  14. S T S P S O A I M N H R P = sportsmanship

  15. I would have a lot of friends because if I had a lot of money and no friends than I will have no one to play with at school. Another reason that I want a friend more than money is that friend is more important because a friend is a living thing and that there is no point to have money when you can’t play with a friend. So you would be sad with your life.

  16. Math
    I think that the circle doesn’t belong because it is the only one that doesn’t have any corners and sides.
    64 because it is the only one that is even.
    55 because it is the only one that is divisible by 11.
    83 because it is the only one that the sum of the two digits do not equal 10.
    37 because it is the only one that the second digit is bigger than the first.

  17. Word problems
    He needs to order 48 items for the party.
    He filled 88 containers.
    There will be 16 legs.
    Black shorts: 3
    Green shorts: 3
    He can ware 6 outfits.

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