Journal de lecture – At-home Reading

Hello! As I am learning more about our class and what strategies work best for each learner, I am adapting our routines and activities. I sent home an updated reading log, or Journal de lecture, in a duotang labelled “La lecture à la maison“. While until now, I have been asking students to track the […]

November 8-12, 2021

Bonjour les familles, In Math this week, we played with addition and subtraction puzzles and created our own. We practiced doubles and doubles-plus-one addition facts and tested our memories with a speed round of doubles addition. We listened and learned in the Remembrance Day assembly on Wednesday, and heard from Ken Rosadiuk, Senior Instructor of […]

October 25-29, 2021

Hello everyone! This week was full of activities! Today was especially energetic, with a witch, three superheroes, warriors, an astronaut, a zombie, an avocado, several adorable animals, a princess, a police officer, Beetlejuice, the Grim Reaper and a skeleton, and many more fascinating creatures spotted in the hallways of Brantford! We visited the haunted house […]