Les sons « am », « im » ,« em » et « om » – la révision

Welcome back from spring break!

This week’s sounds are a review of the weeks leading up to the break. They sound very similar to the sounds we studied before, the only difference being that these are spelled with an “m” because the sound precedes the letters “b” or “p”.

  • un champ
  • une framboise
  • impair
  • simple
  • une assemblée
  • remplir
  • un emploi
  • tomber
  • nombreux
  • combien


  • un trampoline
  • l’emballage
  • un chimpanzée
  • comprendre
  • une ambulance

*The audio for this video is a bit rough at the beginning! I was unable to fix it after a few attempts at recording.

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