April 14-17 – Weekly Assignments

Hello everyone!

Weekly Assignments Chart – April 14-17

I hope you had a beautiful long weekend.

We will have another video call tomorrow (Wednesday) at 11:00 am, again with students’ video and audio muted. Meeting online is very different than gathering in a physical space but many of the expectations for respect and cooperative conversation still apply.  Watch this silly parody of a conference call if it were an in-person meeting:

Think about some of the things that made that meeting difficult or ineffective, and consider what we can do in our own video meetings to help them go smoothly.  What kind of class contract/agreement/rules could we create to help us use our video meeting time well? Comment your ideas on this post below.  During tomorrow’s meeting, we will go over the expectations and create a set of agreements together.

After you have commented your suggestions, check out this week’s Weekly Assignments Chart by clicking here:Weekly Assignments Chart – April 14-17  There are 3 required assignments due by 3:00 pm on Friday, which are italicized and bolded in the chart document.  Please record your work through typing, photos, or video, and upload these to your blogfolio.  Please feel welcome to post any other work you do this week to your blogfolio!  I will be looking specifically for the required work, but am SO happy to see the other work you do as well! 🙂

Remember, if you have ideas of other activities you would like to add to next week’s assignment chart, let me know!

HERO OF THE WEEK!  Even though we are not in class, we can still learn about heroes of the week!  This week, I thought we shouldn’t highlight just one person, but should learn about the excellence of the many nurses and other healthcare providers who are working to help keep their communities safe during the COVID-19 pandemic.  Read this article to learn more about the great acts many healthcare workers are taking on right now: Heroic Acts of Nurses and Midwives During the COVID-19 Pandemic   Many, many thanks to all the healthcare workers doing their jobs with such care right now, and always.

Have a great day, Division 2!  Don’t hesitate to send me an email if you have any questions or comments – I’m here to help.


Ms. Anderson

P.S.: Watch this video to learn how to do long division to decimals: Long Division with Decimals

P.P.S.: making videos feels very awkward, and I do not think I would have a great career as a YouTuber… lol

10 thoughts on “April 14-17 – Weekly Assignments

  • Always check the mute button before you talk.
    Always make sure your dog is in a different room. lock your door when you are on the call

    • Great suggestions, Finn! I thought it was very funny when the dog started barking in the video – though it is less funny in real video calls. 🙂

  • Thank you Ms Anderson for keeping your blogs fun and entertaining.
    I really enjoyed the conference call parody and shared it with a group of nurses.
    We almost always have a dog barking in the background or a baby crying:)
    I miss seeing and talking to the teachers and all the students.
    Thank you to all the teachers for putting up the sign on the school board.
    We miss you too!!
    Stay healthy and safe Div 2.
    Shairose Aka Reyhans Mom.

    • Thank you for keeping positive as well, and for your work to keep our community healthy (Three cheers for you! Hip hip hurrah)!
      I am glad the parody made you laugh too – I was giggling while watching it this weekend.
      I hope you are having a lovely week!

    • Good suggestion, Mateo. What I understand from this is that you would like people to focus on the speaker and not send distracting messages, am I right?

  • Don’t leave until you are dismissed by Ms. Anderson.
    Attend the meeting on time.
    Try to participate.
    Don’t interrupt Ms. Anderson during the meeting.
    Make sure you are able to hear Ms. Anderson.

  • we can mute our mic so we don’t interrupt each other.

    Also join the call 5 minutes before so we don’t have to wait and you are already caught up on everything.

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