April 9 – Update

RESPONSIBILITY 1.3 – Make a drawing/message to put in your window to brighten the day of people in your community! *Activity from this week’s Weekly Assignments Chart

Hello all!

Hasn’t it been lovely to have a week of sunshine?  I know that I always feel happier with clear skies.

This is a short update to acknowledge the work that you have already been doing this week.  Thank you to all those who have sent me emails, posted their work in their blogfolios, and completed the parent and student surveys!  Your participation helps me to plan for ways to connect with you better. 

Thanks too, for all the students who participated in our Team Meetings this week! It was great to connect with you a little bit (although not quite the same as in our classroom), and I hope you are getting the hang of things too.

This weekend is a holiday long weekend, so I will post our next week’s assignments chart on Tuesday morning.  Next week, some of the assignments will be mandatory, and students can post proof of their work on their blogfolios.  I went through this in our Teams Meeting on Wednesday, but in case you missed it, I will add instructions on our website next week.

I hope you have a good long weekend, Happy Passover and Happy Easter to those who celebrate.  Enjoy the time with your families.

Take care,

Ms. A.


2 thoughts on “April 9 – Update

  • Yes, true Ms Anderson sunshine is the best to be under. Our family have been enjoying clear sky this week being outside in the backyard playing games like cricket, hopscotch , cycling, cleaning..

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