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30 day song challenge

Day 11: Today is Music Monday…A Song that is Canadian?

Today is Music Monday in Canada. We normally do a big assembly at BP to celebrate the importance of music in our hearts and community. Pick a song that is Canadian today. Today I am sharing our Music Monday song that we would be singing as a community. The link is a video that many … Continue reading »

Categories: 30 day song challenge | 6 Comments

Day 10: Song that makes you sad

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Day 9: A Song that makes you happy

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Day 8: A Song about COVID19

This days song is not on the calendar, it’s about COVID19.  Find a song that makes you happy dancing at home by yourself, or helps you through homework, or even one of the new songs written about COVID19. The first video is my choice, Here is an entertaining one for my intermediate students. glad our … Continue reading »

Categories: 30 day song challenge | 7 Comments

Day 7: A roadtrip song

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Day 6: A song that makes you want to dance

Can’t stop the feeling is a great upbeat one.  

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Day 5: A song that needs to be played loud

Mumford and sons – I will wait

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Day 4: A song that reminds you of someone you’d rather forget


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Day 3: Song that reminds you of summer

Classic!  Did you know Bryan Adams is Canadian.  

Categories: 30 day song challenge | 9 Comments

Day 2: Song with a number in the title

Some of you may remember this song from primary days of music a few years ago.  The video is quite neat as she is playing the piano and moving around throughout town.  

Categories: 30 day song challenge | 9 Comments