2014/2015 Concert Events
2014 Winter Musical: Legend of Polar Mountain Kindergarten to grade seven students at Brentwood Park are diving into an chilly adventure that captures the spirit and joy of living in the far frozen north of Canada’s arctic. Imagine a land all covered in snow and ice, where the sun sets in autumn and is gone … Continue reading
Drum making for Jacki
We made drums with Ms. Price, and it was so much fun! It took four of us to make each drum. At first, we tried to go really fast, but then we realized we needed to slow down and work together. It felt special because we learned that, for many Indigenous cultures, making a drum … Continue reading
Creating a song
We were creating beats and rhythnems outside on the playground, we used sticks, body parts, and the equipment as music. We practiced guitars with a song named “Wipe Out” and we are having a playing test next week on Thursday. We are having a fun time making music! We hope to shoot a video of … Continue reading
2014 Winter concert Schedule & Costume Attire
Students at Brentwood Park are busy practicing for our Christmas Musical “Legend of Polar Mountain.” Schedule: Our musical will have two matinee and evening performances: Tuesday December 16th at 1:30pm & 7:00pm and Wednesday December 17th at 1:30pm & 7:00pm in the school gymnasium.Students should arrive at the school at 6:30 pm in their classrooms … Continue reading
Protected: Legend of Polar Mountain Songs
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2013/2014 previous concerts and events
Winter Concert: A Pirate Christmas This year we will be performing a school wide musical: A Pirate Christmas. Christmas is approaching, and the elves are exhausted and tired of the cold! A few days of rest and relaxation in the warm island sun is just what they need…snorkeling, collecting seashells, building sand castles, catching a … Continue reading
Brentwood Park Elementary School has a full-time music program for students in kindergarten to grade 7. Our diverse program provides students with the tools needed to develop their musical abilities while providing a platform to develop a life long love of performing music. Students at Brentwood Park Elementary have opportunities to perform in various musical … Continue reading
Previous Concerts and Events
2012/2013 Concerts and Events Music Monday This year Brentwood Park will be joining other school across Canada participating in Music Monday. This annual event celebrates the importance of music in our schools, communities, and lives. Each year a famous Canadian musician writes a new song for everyone to sing. This year, the BNL together with … Continue reading
Protected: Guitar Song Page
There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.