Division 6

Welcome to our classroom!

February 12, 2021
by watsonl

Arctic S.T.E.M Challenges

Over the next few weeks, we will be completing a series of Arctic S.T.E.M (Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics) Challenges.  The Arctic theme of these tasks compliments some of our recent Social Studies lessons about the Canadian North and the Inuit People.  Furthermore, these tasks are a great opportunity to reflect on our Core Competency Skills (Personal and Social, Thinking, and Communicating) as we work in groups for all of the tasks.

Challenge #2 : Bundle Up!  Design an insulating blanket

February 7, 2021
by watsonl

Welcome to Watercrest Mountain!

During the month of January, we embraced all things winter with our ‘Winter Poem presentations‘, our ‘Trapped in a Snowglobe’ project, and the creation of ‘Watercrest Mountain’ on the bulletin board in our classroom.  The students brainstormed possible names for our ski resort and then it was chosen by class vote.  Our  mountain is complete with ski and snowboard runs, organized by level of difficulty.

January 9, 2021
by watsonl

What’s your Superpower?

Hello families and happy 2021 to all!  We wanted to share a book we explored this week in the classroom entitled, What’s My Superpower? by Aviaq Johnston.  We continued to explore the Personal and Social Core Competency Strand by reflecting on our natural gifts and abilities.  Please follow up with your child and ask them what they decided was their unique Superpower.  Their responses were very insightful!

December 18, 2020
by watsonl

Happy Holidays to all!

It has been a festive and busy few weeks in Division 5!  We rolled candles, wrote cards, painted on our classroom windows, and found some gingerbread people that needed decorating.  Everyone has earned a well deserved winter break!  We wish you all a safe and memorable holiday with your families.  We look forward to seeing your bright smiles back in the classroom in 2021.

Hugs and love from Mrs. Canderle and Mrs. Watson

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December 11, 2020
by watsonl

International Hour of Code 2020!

Great job exploring your technological skills today by participating in the “Hour of Code” Challenge.  Feel free to continue exploring coding at home by visiting the website: hourofcode.com.  Happy coding!

November 22, 2020
by watsonl

Crazy Hair Day continues…

Thank-you to everyone who participated in our Crazy Hair Day!  Our class definitely showed their school spirit!

Taking our inspiration from the event, we carried on with the ‘Crazy Hair’ theme in art class and created these ‘crazily coiffed’ cartoon characters.  Here are a few of those art pieces.  We will do another post when the rest are completed.

November 8, 2020
by watsonl

Our thoughts on Peace…

This week we have been exploring themes around Remembrance Day.  We used the book, What Does Peace Feel Like? by Vladimir Radunsky, as our inspiration and then completed the phrase, “Peace feels like”.  The students shared their ideas on these beautiful doves which will be on display as part of a larger school-wide bulletin board.  Each of their individual ideas has been recorded below. 

Peace feels like…

  • A field of flowers mixed with a shield of happiness. (Nuha)
  • Happiness – lovely hearts beating. (Parker)
  • Joy, like when I’m playing hockey. (Nayam)
  • Love… when evil turns into good by a love arrow. (Owen)
  • Happiness everywhere. (Isaiah)
  • Sweet… when you eat banana ice-cream. (Conrad)
  • Happiness and joy. (Russell)
  • Joy … when you get a gift and love. (Emma)
  • I feel grateful when I think of soldiers fighting for us. (Mataya)
  • An excited family celebrating their child’s birthday. (Arissa)
  • An angel making you fly in the sky with happiness. (Chris)
  • Happy… when you have friends playing with you. (Matthew)
  • Joy… like when I am playing. (Ingrid)
  • The respect that I feel for the soldiers that sacrificed their lives for our country and home.  May everyone feel peace and love like I did. (Claire)
  • A birthday party that brings joy and love and when your mom gets you a cat! (James)
  • Love from people you love and respect like your mom, dad, and friends. (Evelyn)

October 3, 2020
by watsonl

Nature Mandalas

We were able to take advantage of the beautiful weather yesterday and got outside to make some nature-inspired artwork.  All of the mandalas created were so unique.  The children worked collaboratively to create these masterpieces.  Way to go artists!



September 19, 2020
by watsonl

Welcome Back to School!

Hello Division 5 Families!  It has been an exciting first week of school.  We have enjoyed meeting all of your children and getting to know more about them and their families.  At the beginning of the school year, we focus on activities that helped us create a positive classroom culture.  So far, we worked together to write our classroom charter of Rights and Responsibilities and participated in lessons that helped us make new friends.  For example, we read and discussed The Invisible Boy by Trudy Ludwig to begin talking about inclusivity and kindness toward others.  Here are a few pictures of the resulting work.