Thanks everyone!

Picture above: one of the read-alouds from our meeting today, Animals Brag About Their Bottoms.

Thank you to everyone who was able to join us for our Zoom meeting today! Our Zoom meeting tomorrow will also be at 11:00 and will include a read-aloud (possibly a chapter from Out of My Mind or a different picture book) and a game/discussion.

Please don’t feel pressured to attend our Zoom meetings if you are not able to (they are optional). We are using Zoom as a tool to stay connected over the next 3 days, chat and check-in with each other, and to answer any questions about the online learning you might have.

Feel free to reach out to me via e-mail as well if you have any questions or want to submit your Extreme Writing or Math work!

I miss you all! I look forward to when we can safely return to our classroom!

-Ms. Ward

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