Term 1 Share-Outs (Informal Reports)

Hello families of Division 5!

This week has flown by! Hopefully everyone has received an e-mail from me in their inbox. This e-mail has a PDF attachment, which you can open to access a copy of your child’s personalized Term 1 Share-Out! These informal reports are meant to serve as a check-in about the many strengths and areas of growth we have seen during our learning journey together! There are also some goals set by your child and by myself/Ms. Ramen.

Your child has worked hard on reflecting upon their favourite activities, most influential learning moments, and areas they want to continue developing in. Please take some time to review the PDF and answer the reflection questions included in the e-mail.

If you do not see the e-mail or cannot access the PDF, please e-mail me to let me know!

Thank you so much for all of your support and insights; we are so lucky to have such an amazing parent/guardian community here at Lochdale!

With gratitude,

Ms. Ward

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