Welcome, Grade 7s!

Greetings to our Grade 7 class of 2024/2025!

It has already been a very busy first few days of school in our new classroom community. We have been hard at work getting to know each other, adapting to new routines, and considering the roles/responsibilities of Grade 7s.

I am excited to get to know everyone, as both individuals and as a class!

I am looking forward to introducing (or re-introducing) myself to the wonderful parents/guardians/families that are supporting our Grade 7 students during our Welcoming Conversations in October (more information to follow).

In the meantime, I have created a quick survey that I ask be filled in by the parents/guardians of our Grade 7s. This survey was also sent home on a pink form with our school supply list for the year. The survey can be found here: Grade 7 parent guardian survey

Please check out our class blog frequently for reminders, upcoming due dates, and videos/resources we learned about in class!

Best wishes,

Ms. Ward