This week’s reminders:

Hey families! Some important reminders for this week:

-Grade 4 and Grade 5 Math worksheet is due tomorrow (Wednesday)

-Optional leadership activity: anything but a backpack day! Bring your school supplies in a bag, lunchbox, suitcase, basket, etc.

-Please bring back your library books as soon as possible!

Thanks everyone!

Ms. Ward

Garden Club Update: Our Last Day

A special guest joined us at our last Garden Club meeting… a bullfrog! This is a bullfrog that we named Mango. We discussed how frogs can help our environment and busted some myths about frogs (ex: they do not give you warts, they aren’t covered in slime).

Thank you for all of your hard work, gardeners!

Sports Day & Reminders:

We are so excited for Sports Day this Friday, June 10th! If you have not already, please check your e-mail for more information about Sports Day. Some reminders for students and families:

-Please dress for the weather! We will be outside unless it is pouring rain.

-Wear clothing that is comfortable and shoes you can be active in.

-If you have clothing or accessories in your Sports Team colour (Blue Whales, White Wolves, Red Pandas, or Yellow Cheetahs), please wear them on Thursday [Spirit Day] and Friday [Sports Day]

-There will be a concession, so feel free to bring a little bit of money to buy a snack if you’d like

-Friday is an early dismissal!

We will continue to have conversations around expectations and routines tomorrow. I am so excited to see great sportsmanship and encouragement from our athletes!


Ms. Ward

PowWow, Dance, and Culture:

Our class and Ms. Ramen’s class discussed the importance of dance in different cultures. We read a story about a young Indigenous girl who wants to compete in the jingle dress competition, but is still recovering from an illness. Through the story, she learns about the healing power of dance, culture, and family.

Powwow Day by Traci Sorell

If you go to powwow, you will notice many different types of dance and lots of diverse regalia. Many students in our class have attended powwow before! Check out the video below to learn more about powwow:

Some questions to discuss at home:

-Are there any dances that are important in your family or culture?

-Have you ever been to powwow? Is there a cultural celebration you have gone to in the past?

-What differences and similarities do you notice in the many types of regalia?

The Science Behind Roller Coasters: Let’s Learn More!

Are you someone who enjoys roller coasters? If so, you might be interested to learn the history of these thrilling, fast, and sometimes dangerous rides! While roller coasters have been around for almost 100 years, they have gotten faster, more intense, and safer every year. Stay tuned for more information on our STEM project where we design our own roller coaster models.

Colourful Foods: What Would Happen if you Could Only Eat 1 Colour?

This week, we have been chatting about what colours we notice in the food that we eat. Some foods use natural or artificial dyes to get their colours (ex: candy). Some foods have natural chemicals and pigments that make them certain colours (ex: beta carotene in carrots make them orange). What would your life be like if you could ONLY eat 1 colour of food for a whole day? Our class is brainstorming and writing a story about this topic!

Roller Coasters and Physics:

Our class is continuing to explore the Science behind engineering and design! We explored how people design and test roller coasters (including a person who made a human-powered amusement park in his backyard)!

If you are feeling brave, try watchin the videos for a virtual experience of riding some of the wildest, fastest roller coasters!

Class Photos Tomorrow

Hello students and families,

Just a reminder that our class photo takes place tomorrow. I look forward to documenting our classroom community this year!

Did you know that there are a lot of different jobs that involve photography? Watch the video below for more information on how to become a nature photographer!