Math Activity: April 13th


Today, we will continue with our investigation into the world of measurement! Your task is to draw a self portrait or an animal of your choice on the grid paper provided. You should colour your work. When drawing, you will need to use the whole square or half of the square as this will make it easier to calculate. Your picture will look like a character from Minecraft. Please see the example posted below. If you are unable to print the graph paper, you can always create your drawing on a blank piece of paper.

Once you have made your drawing, you will need to count the number of squares that make up each and every side of your drawing. Please see the example. The side of each square on the graph paper is 1 cm. Understanding this will allow us to calculate the perimeter of your drawing.

Perimeter means the distance around an object.

Look back at your drawing and count up all the sides around your person or animal. In the example, you can see that after the number of edges are added up, the perimeter was 72 cm.

***Please ignore the section to calculate the area. We will come back to this later.

PerimeterPerson Graph Paper

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