Extreme Environments: Antarctica in Focus

Would you ever consider living in Antarctica? This extreme environment is home to many Scientists from different countries who are investigating animal species, meteors and minerals, climate change, and carbon dating! One of the things these Scientists need to survive is access to food (especially since your body burns way more calories trying to keep itself warm)!

All foods have to be shipped down to Antarctica since no fruit or vegetables or livestock can grow there. This means the Scientists end up eating a lot of frozen, dried, pickled, or even expired/recycled food! However, the kitchens make many delicious things available including: homemade cookies, delicious pastas, fresh baked breads, and even 24-hour pizza!

Above: an example of a buffet at an Australian-run camp in Antarctica. Food options include pasta, soup, chicken, plant-based meatballs, and frozen/reheated vegetables. Occasionally, there will be shipments of fresh fruit and vegetables (called “freshies”), but most food is frozen and reheated or preserved.

Below: ‘leftover soup’, a mix of the last night’s dinner, is served for some meals. No food is wasted in Antartica, since you cannot run out to a store and buy more!

What do you eat in Antarctica? How the chef at Palmer Station keeps things  fresh without fresh food.

To learn more about this freezing, desert continent, watch the video below:


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