Creating Our Own (Unnecessary) Inventions: Persuasive Writing + Creative Thinking

Today, we looked at an inventor Matt Benedetto who has created over 200 “unnecessary” inventions! Here is an example of one of his wacky, weird, and sometimes useless inventions:

As part of our Creative Thinking & STEM exploration, we will be creating our own unnecessary invention and will try to ‘sell’ this creation using persuasive writing techniques. Our job this weekend is to brainstorm a possible invention we might want to create. Here are some tips for brainstorming:

-think of a challenge or pet peeve you might have (ex: stubbing your toe, melting ice cream). What are some funny ways you could fix or solve this problem?

-what is an invention that already exists that could be ‘improved’ on in a fun, creative way?

-what is something that you wish existed? Try making it yourself!


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