Chewing Gum: Sticky Science or Disgusting Distraction?

Can chewing gum really help students focus

As part of our investigation into the Science and Sociology behind everyday objects, we have been investigating chewing gum! Chewing gum has been around for thousands of years; ancient cultures used to chew on resins and other natural materials to freshen breath, quell hunger pains, and for entertainment. Nowadays, gum is usually produced in huge factories. But why is gum so controversial? Certain countries forbid the sale of gum at all, and it is not allowed in many environments (schools, etc.). But is gum actually helpful? Or is it more harmful?

Click the link above to read an article about the possible benefits of chewing gum while learning, and then watch the video below for a breakdown of the sticky situation behind gum and litter. What do you think?

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