Embarking on our final week of school!

Hey students and families!

I can’t believe we are approaching our final week of school for the 2021-2022 year! I am so proud of everything our class has achieved. Here are some important reminders for the next few days:

-On Tuesday we will be having some outside time in the afternoon with the entire school! Please bring a blanket or towel to sit on, and some snacks if you’d like.

-We will also be visiting the Grade 7 Math fair Tuesday afternoon

-Please bring a large bag or backpack on Tuesday to take home all supplies, projects, assessments, etc.

-Please bring a water bottle and stay hydrated!

-Dress for the weather: this might mean a hat, sunscreen, and/or sunglasses

-Final assembly and early dismissal on Wednesday. Yearbooks will also be handed out on Wednesday.



Ms. Ward


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