April Fool’s Day: Ms. Ward’s Recipe for ‘Worms in Dirt’ Pudding

Today, the students were informed we would be layering mud and dirt and then adding worms. We discussed how dirt and worms benefit our Earth, and why so many humans are ‘grossed out’ by the idea.

Dirt and Worms - Recipe from Price Chopper

However, the ‘worms, mud, and dirt’ were actually made of gummy worms, chocolate pudding, and cookie crumbs.

To make this ‘Worms in Dirt’ pudding at home, follow the recipe below:

In a cup or bowl, put a layer of chocolate pudding followed by a layer of crushed chocolate cookie crumbs. Repeat the process as many times as you want. Finish with a final layer of cookie crumbs. Then, add a few gummy worms to the top, poking out of the ‘dirt’. Enjoy!

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