Endangered Animals in Focus: Elephants

Today, our class discussed elephants. We learned that elephants face many dangers from humans. Some elephants are forced to perform in circuses, and others are used for labour. Elephants are also at risk from poachers who harvest their ivory tusks.

We learned about the life of Lawrence Anthony, who took in a herd of elephants that had been abused by humans. At first, these elephants did not trust Anthony, and tried to leave the Thula Thula sanctuary where they lived. Through patience and perseverance, however, Anthony gained their trust.

The elephant man | Conservation | The Guardian

The elephants grew so attached to Anthony that when he passed away, the entire herd came to his house to mourn him and comfort his widow and family. Every year on the anniversary of his passing, the elephants came back to Anthony’s home to remember him. Elephants have such capacity for emotional intelligence and for memory!

The Elephants Come Home: A True Story of Seven Elephants, Two People, and  One Extraordinary Friendship by Kim Tomsic

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