Hey, Grade 7s! A few reminders as we begin our new week together:
-Your Math Stocks project is now OVERDUE! Please hand it in to Ms. Ramen by Tuesday (tomorrow)
-Your Name Art is due at the end of the week (Friday) to Ms. Ward
-We are hard at work on our catapults! We will be testing them in the last week of October.
-Your Digital Portfolio, including the write-up, is due on Teams by the end of October
-Core boards/communication boards must be finished and ready to use by Friday this week
-Band continues Weds/Fri
Please make sure to thank your parent/guardian for making the time to meet with me during our Welcoming Conversations last week! It was great to brainstorm with them how we can help you be successful (and brag about all of the amazing things you have done so far).
-Ms. Ward