Ophidiophobia: Why Are We Scared of Snakes?

Why do you think some people get the ‘heebie jeebies’ from certain animals, but not from others? Ms. Ward is very afraid of spiders, but thinks mice and rat are cute! Some people fear snakes, but adore dogs. We will chat further about where some of these animal-based fears might come from on a sociological/historical level this week! If you are someone who suffers from ophidiophobia (fear of snakes), maybe the video (above) will help you learn to like them just a little bit more!

Some discussion questions for at home:

-What are some animals you are afraid of? Why are you afraid of them?

-Why do we consider some animals ‘cute’ despite them being dangerous (ex: wolves), while other harmless animals (ex: non-venomous spiders) we think are gross or scary?

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