Everyday Authours: At-Home Writing Practice

Hello students and families!

At this point, everyone should have received a black duotang with the ‘Everyday Authours’ challenge booklet inside! To answer a few questions about how to use this resource:

-This booklet is designed to help us practice our Writing as part of a daily/weekly routine. This way, we can build our Writing stamina & confidence! This booklet should NOT be completed all in 1 day or 1 week!

Discuss what schedule works best for you and your family. This could be writing once per day, 3 times per week, or setting a timer for 10 minutes a day.

-Do not focus on being ‘perfect’… get your ideas on the page! We will discuss how to edit writing later, but this is just to get rid of ‘writer’s block’!

When you have filled in the whole booklet, bring it back to Ms. Ward. We will keep this writing as part of your ‘writer’s repertoire’ and you will be given the second edition booklet.

-I will not be marking this booklet/editing/covering it in red pen. I will use this to track our growth and confidence as writers as the year progresses!

Thanks everyone, and I look forward to reading your amazing stories!


Ms. Ward


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