We are in the rainy season again. As adults, we sometimes view rain as a nuisance, something that has to be endured to get to those clear and sunny days.  Many times I find myself saying: when will this rain finally stop?

For children rain brings joy and puddles.  When you watch a child playing in a puddle you know how delightful that is. Making mud pies and digging in the wet dirt is one of many opportunities when children are learning in nature, immersed in the experience, focused fully and having fun.

CLICK HERE to hear me sing two of our favourite rain songs.

I invite you to also explore nature in the rain. If you dress warmly with boots, coats and hoods (and bring umbrella if you wish), you can happily enjoy the sounds and sensations of the rain. There are many of them: slow, soft sprinkle, pitter-patter of dripping, dropping rain drops from trees, roaring of the pouring rain pounding the ground and tree trunks, quietude in nature after the rain stops.

CLICK HERE to watch a video about Mushrooms in the Rain.

Hope you can  join us for one of our StrongStart outdoor nature explorations on Fridays (by registrations only, no drop-ins please). They will happen rain or shine!

Here is a book called “ Are You Ready to Play Outside? “ with our favourite characters Piggy and Gerald.  It is written and illustrated by Mo Willems, published by Hyperion Books for Children. CLICK HERE to watch the video.

Are you ready to play outside? I am!

Here’s a list of 50 simple ideas  for outdoor rain play from www.mothernatured.com to engage you children with the wet weather.

Ms. Lillian