Dear Strong Start friends,

Spring is such a lovely season! Looking at cherry blossoms and smelling lilac brings me joy! Even in times like these, there is so much beauty to appreciate outside, on your neighbourhood walk or even in your backyard. We just need to be in the moment, notice, listen and smell. It fills our hearts with appreciation and gratitude.  When we are present, we notice shapes, colours, shades, textures, sweet smells and we hear birds and insects.

It calms us and lifts our spirit! And walks are good for our body too.  As you walk around you might want to invite your child to look closely at their surrounding. In our busy lives, sometimes we do not have a luxury of those unhurried moments.  Notice the leaves, the branches, ladybugs and bees, notice the lines, droplets of rain. Ask: “What other flowers do you see?”; “ Which one is similar, what other shades of pink you see?” By adding descriptive words (about textures, shades) and actual names you will build your child’s vocabulary too.


I wonder what flowers, blooms and plants will you see on your next walk?


Perhaps you and your child will get inspired to use objects found in your home and a bit of paint and to recreate a sensation, or an impression of blooms and flowers you have seen!


If you do not have paint handy, you can use a paste of flour mixed with some food colouring  (as shown on the paper plate in the top right corner of the picture).

Appreciate and enjoy!