Dear friends,

Today I had so much fun looking around my house and in my yard to find some materials and objects I could show you. I want to invite you to go looking with your grown-up around your house and outside to find some interesting materials to play.


I found some rocks, bark, twigs and I used scissors to cut some grass from outside.  Maybe you can look  in your yard too, or maybe you can find it on your nature walk. I added little dinosaurs as I  know most of  you would enjoy playing with animals and telling your story.

What toy animals you have at home to play with? Lego? Small wild animals, farm animals? Use what you like and have at home.


I found some rice in my cupboard  and I added spoons, ladles and different containers from my kitchen for scooping, filling the containers, emptying them out, listening to the sound rice makes when you pour it into the container. What other small objects could add? I added shiny pointy stars.  It is fun to observe the light on the shiny metallic objects and use different spoons. How many does it take to fill the jar or a pot?


Sensory play helps children learn about world around them by exploring different materials and  textures. Children use their all their senses and this in turn helps their brain development and calms the nervous system.

I used rice, as I imagine everyone has nowadays a bag, or even two in their cupboard.  I chose it because it could be respectfully re-used by washing after play, just rinse it under the water. After all the hand washing, children’s hands have never been cleaner! Also, if they spill some rice you can teach them to pick it up, they would be practicing their fine motor skills (they will use those skills later for writing as well – “pencil grip”). If you are not comfortable using rice,  use gravel, grass, wood pellets, like we did in StrongStart,  beans or even dirt.

I used some popsicle sticks and coffee filters to create people puppets. You can make small puppets of people in your family.  I found some old markers and old marker lids. How would you use it, how would you play with these materials? Perhaps you can find something else.


I looked around my house to find some unusual objects. I found a small wooden duck, my phone stand, plastic dowels (after I used up all the doggie bags), my necklace, old frame, some bits from nature and my broken reading glasses that could be used instead of magnifying glass.  I hope it inspires you to use your imagination  to look around and find a different use for everyday objects.



I also had fun sticking toothpicks and other materials into colander. It takes patience but is fun to do (and good for fine motor skills too).  You can use cut-up pipe cleaners as well.


I hope you will have fun together!

Ms. Lillian