Week of June 15th-June 20th

Hi Group C,

Our year has come to an end. I want to thank each and one of you who take your time to help your child learn and succeed- it’s not an easy task juggling this amongst everything happening around us right now. For this last week, as a closing activity, I would like to invite you to make a gratitude jar.

Gratitude Jar by Hey That's My Art Teacher | Teachers Pay Teachers

If you have real jars, that would be great. The jar can be stuffed with cut-up confetti made with construction paper, rocks, or anything you desire (i.e. beans). This goal of this activity is to come up with sentences that describe what they are thankful for this year. I thought this activity would be a good wrap up to our challenging year.

Please have your child write in detail what they are thankful for, whether that is a specific moment or a thing that had happened. If your child has written, “I’m thankful for food”, please have them be specific about what food moments they are thankful for (i.e. I’m thankful Aunt Lily’s stuffed wontons when we visit her on weekends).

It has been a pleasure teaching you all this year. Have a great summer!! PS: I would absolutely love to see some of the gratitude jars 🙂



Week of May 25th- May 29th

Hi Group C,

Please be sure to check out the important message about ELL year-end assessments on the main page.

This week we are learning about similes. Similies are used to compare two things that are alike(i.e. His scream was as loud as a siren.). Here, we are comparing his scream to the siren. The similarity between them is the loudness. Similies are used by the word “as” or “like”. Please watch the video on similes, be sure to follow along with the exercises, and then complete the sentences below with similes.

It’s important to use similies in your writing to add details.

Complete these sentences and submit to Ms. Tong:

The yogurt is as _______________________.

The flower is like _______________________.

My car is as ___________________________.


Week of May 19th- May 22nd

Hello group C,

As we are transitioning back to school, I thought it is super interesting to get kid’s input on safe school practices. I would like to see where their imagination and creativity lead them when thinking about safety in schools. If your child has not been exposed to possible safety practices, have them watch this Youtube video of practices in Taiwan(Where Ms. Tong is from):

IMPORTANT: Please only watch up until the 2-minute mark! The rest is not relevant.

Some schools have drawn arrows to show where students should be walking and used Hula hoops to help students keep distances. There are many creative ways to stay safe in school.

Here’s what you  need to do:

  1. Write a paragraph on an idea you may have on safe school practices for our return to school. What are some strategies to keep a school safe for kids and teachers returning back to school? Think of 1 strategy and explain how to implement it in your paragraph.
  2. Draw pictures if you need to help explain your idea.

I look forward to hearing your ideas! 🙂

Week of May 11th-May 15th

No updates this week until students are caught up and work is received. Thank you for visiting.

Week of May 4th- May 9th

Hi Group C,

This week I would like you to write persuasive writing. You will write a paragraph on why you feel Emporer Qin was a great/ not so great emperor. Persuasive writing is one which you have to “take sides” and convince other people why you are right. Before you begin writing, you may want to review the things he accomplished in his rule by categorizing them into two sides- positive or negative. Then reread everything and pick a side. Use examples you listed in your writing.

Tips: Try not to list(i.e. He was a bad emperor because he did a, b, and c), but instead, focus on 1-2 points and develop those ideas(i.e. He was a bad emperor because he did a. This caused…).

Happy writing! I look forward to reading your response. 🙂


Week of April 27th-May 1st

Hi Group C,

For this week, you have the choice to follow the activities by reading or listening to my pre-recorded audio (Listen below). I would like you to first try listening to my audio and following along with the activity, but if it gets hard, then feel free to do the exercise using the written method below. You do not need to submit anything this week, but some feedback via e-mail on how the audio activity went might be good. 🙂

*NOTE: You are not required to read the story below as the story is included in the audio activity above- it is only there in case you preferred the written work after listening to the audio activity.

Vocabulary list:









Verbatim of the story:

Shelley lived in the western _____ of London. She had big dreams to become a doctor when she is older but her mother had always been very discouraging. She would say, “You can’t never be a doctor because you have to learn bout biochemistry, biology, medicine and blah, blah, blah.” At the age of seven, Shelley didn’t understand. She didn’t know about biology and medicine was, but all she knew was she wanted to save lives.

Let me ______ what I’m saying for you. “You’re not smart enough to ever become a doctor”. Those ____ words stuck to Shelley like glue to hair. Shelley didn’t give up as she studied hard and finally tried to apply to the university for doctors.

Thankfully, because the university was not hard to get into and had very low _______, Shelley got in right away. Life didn’t get easier after she was accepted into the school because the school environment was very ______. She had no friends and her teachers did not like her. Everyone did not help each other and treated each other like ________. Things started to change when she met her new math teacher. Her math teacher was very helpful and kind. Every time Shelley did not understand a question, she ______ the questions and made them easier to understand. She always used a soft tone of voice when she talked to students, unlike the other teachers who used a mean voice and _____ words. Even though she was an _________, a person of power, she was nice. This changed everything. Instead of making students compete against each other, she made people work together. This ______ all the students in the class and made them friends. People were no longer mean to each other as if they were ______. Ms. Tong’s great patience finally helped Shelley to make friends in the school and graduate from university. In fact, Ms. Tong became Shelley’s lifelong friend and even though Shelley lived out of town, in a _____ far away, she would often visit her favorite Teacher.


Weeks of April 14th-28th

Hi team C,

You will be learning about…EMPERORS! Chinese emperors, to be exact. We will begin our unit on emperor Qin. This unit will be largely inqury-based. An inquiry is a type of learning that is student-directed. Don’t worry if you are confused, we will slowly unravel how it will work.


For the next two weeks, please complete the following task:

step 1: Take a look at these vocabulary words and listen for them as they pop up in the video.









Once you hear a word, stop, rewind and listen to the word in its sentence again. Can you guess what the word means? Next, use to look up the meaning of these words.

Step 2: Wath the video on emperor Qin:

*Note: The video does not represent my personal opinion, and is merely a perspective of someone else.

Step 3: Use any sheet of paper and divide it into 3 parts such as the following and fill out each section for each new vocabulary.

Step 4: Have a discussion about your parents about the great accomplishments of emperor Qin in Mandarin. Talk about whether or not you agreed with his ruling style(you and your parents may disagree!). Discuss what you liked or disliked about emperor Qin. After the discussion, add newly learned vocabulary from your discussion to your dictionary and include their translation in mandarin if possible (i.e. emperor = 皇帝).

Step 5: Take a picture of your dictionary and submit it to Ms. Tong. If you need help with submitting assignments, please refer to the “Submitting Assignment” tab.