October 25th Homework


  1. Finish Math Test Corrections and get a parent signature (parents, please only sign if you see all corrections are completed)
  2. Science — Start studying for test next Tuesday (Matter, states of matter, chemical and physical reactions)
  3. Vancouver Giants Challenge (Due before Nov. 7th)
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October 24th Homework


  1. Test corrections and parent signature. (We will review the tests tomorrow so ask any questions you have in class then)
  2. L.A. Halloween Poems (due Wednesday)
  3. Vancouver Giants Challenge
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  1. ZERU — bring in your Music Form and money please ;P
    • …and remember to bring all your binders/work back to school for Monday
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October 19th Homework


  1. Music Notice and money **still waiting for a few more students to submit)
  2. Math (due tomorrow)
    1. Corrections in Jump Math
    2. MMS 3 p. 76-77
    3. MMS 4 p. 57-58
  4. S.S. (lessons 6-10) due TOMORROW
  5. Vancouver Giants Challenge
  6. Pro-D Day Friday (no school)
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October 18th Homework


  1. Music (Form and money) **Garren, Lannah, Satiya, Victoria, Zeru**
  2. Math (Due TOMORROW)
    1. 5 more pages and corrections
    2. 3.1 p. 48-55
    3. MMS 4 p. 50 and 53
  3. L.A. 5 definitions (use spelling words) due TOMORROW
  4. S.S. lessons 6-10 due THURSDAY
  5. Practice spelling (test Thursday)
  6. Vancouver Giants Challenge
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October 17th Homework


  1. Music Notice and money (Jamie, Lanah, Mylio, Victoria, Zeru)
  2. Math
    1. 2.1 (mark and correct last 10 pages)
    2. MMS 3 p. 70-71
    3. MMS 4 p.  p. 47-48
  3. L.A. find the definition for 5 spelling words (you may use dictionary.com)
  4. S.S. (lessons 6-10) Due Thursday
  5. Art – 2nd picture for Agamograph due TOMORROW
  6. Practice Spelling (test on THURSDAY)
  7. Vancouver Giants Challenge
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Vancouver Giant’s Challenge!!

Our class is participating in the Vancouver Giants “Jack the Giant’s Literacy Challenge”. Representatives from the Vancouver Giants and Pacific Fraser Valley visited our school to speak about the importance of education and physical literacy. They presented the following challenge to our class:

  • For two weeks each student will fill out their Reading Tally sheet
  • each student will read an ADDITIONAL 15 minutes every day (the daily minimum is 20 mins daily for intermediate, so the total for the two-weeks should be 35 minutes daily)
  • students will be asked to complete various physical activities in school which I will check off for them on their Physical Literacy Progress Report as they are able to demonstrate them

All completed reports will qualify for FREE tickets to the student’s entire family to attend Jack the Giant’s Literacy Skills Day on Sunday, December 11th, 2016 at the Langley Events Centre.

🙂 Happy Reading Div. 5!!!

giants giants2 giants3


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Exploring Venn Diagrams

venn_superheroesThis weekend’s math homework for the level 4s involves using “Attributes” to describe/organize numbers into 3 different types of Venn Diagrams. Here are some pictures from our hands on lesson…. and check out this crazy Venn Diagram that classifies superheroes!

venn-diagrams 20161013_100951 20161013_100939

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  1. P.E. Strip (bring home and WASH then RETURN for Monday)
  2. Music notice and $15 (cash, cheque or online)
  3. Math (same as yesterday — due MONDAY)
  4. COMMENT on THIS blog post (you may need to use your parent’s email)
  5. S.S. (lessons 6-10) due THURSDAY
  6. Agamograph picture #2 due TUESDAY
  7. WTW practice for test on THURSDAY
  8. Vancouver Giants Challenge
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Oct 13 Homework


  1. Music Field Trip Notice/ $15 (cash/cheque/online)
  2. Math:
    1. 2.1 Corrections
    2. 3 MMS p. 52-53
    3. 4 MMS p. 44-45
  3. Pumpkin Notice
  4. P.E. Strip
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