Nov. 23, 2016

Image result for homework memes for kids

  1. magic ticket
  2. return signed spelling test  tom.
  3. L.A-robots. tom.
  4. math-no math today!
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Image result for homework memes

  1. magic ticket
  2. spelling test signed
  3. L.A. Robots due tomorrow
  4. Math
    1. MMS group 4 p.96-97
    2. MMS group 3 p. 60-61
  5. dress warmly tomorrow for Jingle bell Walk
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November 21st Homework


  1. magic ticket
  2. spelling test tomorrow
  3. math
    1. mms4 p.92-93
    2. mms3 p.105
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November 17th Homework



  1. Taekwondo field trip tomorrow (don’t be late!!)
  2. Math
    1. 4.1 p. 61-64
    2. MMS 3 p. 101
  3. Spelling test Tuesday
  4. Sign and correct socials pop quiz
  5. Tell your parents they’re awesome! 🙂 
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Homework for November 9th


  1. Art — optical illusion outline done in pencil (due tomorrow)
  2. Math (due tomorrow)
    • Group 2s have sticky notes in their Jump Math Books
    • Group 3s do MMS p. 60
    • Group 4s do MMS p. 60 AND 61
  3. Remember to bring in a donation for the Veterans tomorrow
  4. S.S. lessons 16-20 (due tomorrow)
  5. No school Friday (Remembrance Day)
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November 8th



Congratulations to Garren for winning the autographed photo for the Vancouver Giants Challenge. Don’t forget to mark off December 11th in your calendars for the special Skills Day (tickets will come the week before). It is a Sunday afternoon 🙂


  1. Math (finish Jump Math and do all corrections from previously marked pages)
  2. Recorder order form due tomorrow
  3. Lanah–please return your TKD form!! 
  4. S.S. l 16-20 due Thursday
  5. WTW test tomorrow

Glad you all showed up on time today after Daylight Savings! 🙂

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November 1st Homewrok



….Ms. Benson forgot to post the homework today…..

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Here are some pictures from our Pumpkin carving/costumes. Remember to be safe and have a great Halloween! (Aren’t you glad you spent the weekend studying for that Science test tomorrow?) 😛

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October 27th Homework


  1. School run tomorrow
    • make sure you have gym strip and running shoes
  2. L.A. Poems (some are now overdue)
  3. Sign up for class party snacks (outside classroom on the window)
    • If you don’t sign up this time you will next time
  4. Science Test TUESDAY
    • We created a study guide in class today — use it ;P
  5. Bring in a Pumpkin, empty ziplock (if you want to keep the seeds) and any carving tools **labelled*
    • Xi-Pen, Zoha, Matthew, Ceron, Sarah and Christopher — remind your parents that they have volunteered to help!!!! **** (meet at 9 am in gym Monday)
  6. S.S. lessons 11-15 due next Thursday
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October 26th Homework


  1. Study for Science test (Tuesday)
    1. Matter has 3 states (solid, liquid and gas)
    2. Effect of temperature on each state (ex: what happens to water when it is heated up or cooled down?)
    3. Physical and Chemical changes (is anything new made? Is it easily un-done? Can you name examples of each?)
  2. Don’t forget to start bringing in your pumpkins to carve for Monday morning.
  3. Monthly run on Friday (make sure you bring good running shoes that day)
  4. Vancouver Giants Challenge (due before Nov. 7th)
  5. Math Tests (Some tests were signed but not corrected… I sent them back home to be corrected)
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