Dec. 8,2016


  1.  Loonies for cookies
  2. pancake breakfast forms + 2 $
  3. S.S. two column notes on confederation
  4. integrity paragraph signed
  5. fire drill paragraph due Monday
  6. Math test Wednesday
    1. 4 MMS p. 115
    2. 3 MMS p. 118 and 119 redo p.115
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Dec. 6, 2016

  1. Image result for homework memes
  2. loonies for cookies tom.
  3. Play auditions Dec 5-8
  4. pancake breakfast forms +money
  5. spelling test-sighed+ returned
  6. math
    1. 4. MMS p.111-112
    2. 3 .MMS p.113-115
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Dec. 5, 2016

Image result for homework meme

  1. loonies for cookies tom.
  2. play auditions Dec 5-8
  3. pancake breakfast forms ( Danielle Creighton Zeru)
  4. S.S-column notes due tom.
  5. spelling test tom!
  6. Math
    1. MMS 4 p.108-109
    2. MMS 3 109-112
Categories: Uncategorized | 1 Comment



  1. play auditions Dec 5-8
  2. pancake breakfast forms $2.00
  3. art ornament due Mon
  4. S.S. 2 column notes due Tues
  5. L.A. Snow Dragon paragraph due Mon
  6. bring recorder and PE strip Monday
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  1. Play auditions DEC.5-8
  2. Pancake breakfast forms $2.00
  3. Math
    1. mms4  p. 105-106
    2. mms3 p.108
  4. S.S 2-column notes for Striking it Rich/Barkerville due tues
  5. Green choir notice due tom!!!!!
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  1. pancake breakfast forms+$2.oo
  2. S.S 2-column notes on gold rush due tom
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Image result for funny and clean homework memes

  1. L.A “exotic pets” due tomorrow
  2. pancake breakfast forms (and money)
  3. S.S. 2- column notes on gold rush (first page)
  4. Math
    1. Group 4 practice multiplication 
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Image result for homework memes for kids

  1. L.A robots overdue    
  2. pancake breakfast forms
  3. WTW sort due tomorrow
  4. Math
    1. 3 p. 63
    2. 2 p.63 
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Taekwando Pictures!



tkd3 tkd4 tkd5 tkd6 tkd7 tkd8 tkd9

Our class had an amazing opportunity to watch Canada fight in the Junior World Champion Taekwondo Championships on Friday. Additionally, Master James came in and did a special PE class based off of respect and self-defence. 

Don’t forget to pick up your swag (T-shirt and white belt) and get a chance to break a board as well on Saturday 2:00 – 3:00pm at OMAC *** I heard there will be FREE pizza as well***

842 12th St, New Westminster, BC V3M 4K3

(604) 526-2309

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November 24, 2016

Image result for homework memes

  1. magic ticket.
  2. return signed spelling test.
  3. L.A. robots-due Monday.
  4. no school tomorrow.
  5.  Math
    1.  4 MMS p.10.
    2. 3 MMS p.64. 
Categories: Uncategorized | 6 Comments