
  1. litertcy week read-a-thon pledge forms (due Feb. 3rd)
  2. Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing (chapter 1-9 summaries) due Monday
  3. Math (due Monday)
    1. page 158
    2. green time package
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  1. Y.P.C. Thursday at 12:15
  2. literacy week Jan.31-Feb.3 (research door ideas)
  3. music book 2 5.00 tomorrow
  4. tales of a fourth grade nothing chapter 7 (R.A. chapter. 6)
  5.   math
    1. page 154-155
    2. correction E.P 1-3 +time package
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  1. nutrition green sheet
  2. music book 2 $5.00 Wednesday
  3. tales of a fourth grade nothing chapter 7 (R.A  group chapter 6 only)
  4. math (due Wednesday)
    1. pg. 154-155
    2. correction Extra Practice 1-3+time package
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  1. ELL Report (Issac,Satiya, Xi-peng, Daniel)
  2. My Winter Break Illustrations due Monday
  3. Fundraising notice 
  4.  Tales of a fourth grade nothing chap. 6 (R.A. group up to chap. 5)
  5. Math
    1. group 1 p. 151 + 152
    2. group 2 extra practice 3 (lessons 5+6)
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  1. Jersey/team shirt day tom.
  2. fundraising notice
  3. Tales of a fourth grade nothing chap. 5 (R.A. group chap. 4) due tom.
  4. Math (Due Monday)
    1. page 151 +152 
    2. extra practice 3 (lessons 5 and 6)
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Watch this AMAZING science video that wraps up what we learned in class today here:



  1. Pro-D-day tom :).
  2. 2017 flip chart due Thurs.
  3. Tales of a fourth grade nothing chap. 4 (R.A. group chap. 3)
  4. Math
    1. group 1 148+149
    2. group 2 extra practice 1+2 (lessons 3 and 4)



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  1. Pro – d – day Wed.
  2. 2017 flip chart due Thursday 
  3. L.A package due tom.
  4. Tales of a fourth grade nothing chap. 3 R.A chap. 2
  5. Math 
    1. group 1 page 148 149
    2. group 2 extra practice 1+2
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  1. Sign and correct spelling test
  2. 2017 flip chart due Thursday
  3. L.A. package due Tuesday
  4. tales of a forth grade nothing chapters 1+2 due Monday
  5. milk notice
  6. Math
    1. 144+145 due Monday 


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  1. Spelling test tomorrow
  2. 2017 flip chart January 19
  3. L.A. package due January 17 
  4. Tales of a forth grade nothing due Monday
  5. S.S. Test signed and corrected.
  6. Math
    1. 144+145 
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  1. Spelling test Friday (practice)
  2. 2017 Flip chart (due Jan. 17th)
  3. L.A. Packages (due Jan. 19th)
  4. Math p. 138 and 140 (due tomorrow)
  5. S.S. do your corrections and then get a parent to sign
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