
  1. shoelace form due march 9
  2. spelling test tom.
  3. vaisakhi day lunch form due march 8
  4. math: 4.2  pg 248-249 +corrections 
  5. Lanah:
    1. j.m.4.2 pages 234-245
    2. return all forms (vaisakhi day  lunch form , shoelace form and camp info form)
    3. class photo form 8$ due tom
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  1. shoelace form due march 9
  2. Vaisakhi day lunch form due march 8
  3. 4.2 pg 246-247
  4. report card envelopes Daniel, Ian and Lanah
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  1. Shoelace form (Camp Fundraiser) due march 9
  2. Vaisakhi day form due march 8 
  3. Math 
    1. MMS page 184 due tom.
    2. corrections from pages 181-182
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  1. Camp info night form due tom.(bring it back even if you’re not coming)
  2. Vaisakhi day lunch form due march 8th
  3. Math (due tomorrow)
    1. mms . page 181 and 182 due tom.
    2. corrections from page 196.
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  1. class photo tom. dress nicely
  2. Vaisakhi Day lunch form due march 8 
  3. math 4.2 page 233-235 corrections MMS page 196


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  1. math  page 233-235 (Dylan p. 234)
  2. class photos dress nicely forms due Friday
  3. Vaisahaki day lunch form
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  1. wear pink shirt tom.
  2. vaisakhi day lunch form due march 8$
  3. class photo form due Friday
  4. math 4.2 page 233 -235
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  1. wear pink shirt February 22nd
  2. class photo forms Friday
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  1. pro-d tomorrow
  2. research poster due Monday
  3. L.A novel study folder due Monday
  4. science energy test sign/return Monday
  5. class photo forms
  6. YPC Monday bring pocket snacks 
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2017/02/15 Homework

Image result for school memes

  • No school Friday (Pro-D)
  • Math: (finish all of the corrections from p. 179
  • Science: Correct Test and get your parent to sign
  • Research Project: What Will I Be When I Grow Up
    • finish ALL research questions
    • type all research questions
    • assemble poster 
  • LA: Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing 
    • Novel Study Folders DUE MONDAY!!!
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