
  1. Camp forms and money (DUE: APRIL 12)
  2. Return report card envelopes
  3. Class photos home today
  4.  Math (Due tomorrow)
    1. MMS p. 211  
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  1. Watch science videos 
    1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l64YwNl1wr0
    2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b25g4nZTHvM
  2. Return report card envelopes
  3.  Shoelaces home today 
  4. Math 
    1. MMS p. 207-208 due tom
    2. reading assistance MMS p. 207   
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  1. Science dinosaurs/asteroids 
  2. Return report card envelope
  3. FSA results home today 
  4. Math 
    1. corrections from J.M.  4.2 p. 263 269
    2. MMS p. 204 
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Class Party

What a great last day before Spring Break! I hope you all enjoy your TWO WEEKS OFF!!!!!  — Ms. Benson

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  1.  Math (Due March 27th)
    1. Jump Math p. 263-269
  2. Have a great spring break and I hope you enjoy your spring break!
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  1. Spelling test TOM!!!
  2. Wear green tom for spirit day
  3. Class party tom (bring the food you sighed up for )
  4. Mystery treat day tom $1  each
  5. Note to parents
  6. Math
    1. 4.2 263-269 due march 27 
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  1. shoelace from due tom 
  2. wear green for spirit day Friday
  3. class party Friday 
  4. mystery treat day Friday bring $1 
  5. math
    1. MMS 4.2 263-269 due march 27
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  1. shoelace from due Thursday
  2. wear green on Friday for spirit day
  3. Vaisakhi forms due tom.
  4. math (due tomorrow)
    1.  MMS p 201 – 202 
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  1. Shoelace from due Thursday
  2. Spelling test sign + return
  3. Vaisakhi day lunch from due Wednesday
  4. Totem pole / dream catchers due tom 
  5. Math: MMS 198 199 
  6. Lanah: p 184 185 (MMS) return all forms (Vaisakihi shoelace form and *camp info night form*)  
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  1. shoelace form due march 9 
  2. vaisakhi day lunch form due march 8
  3. math 4.2 pg 248-249 + corrections
  4. spelling test signed +corrected
  5. Lanah : 
    1. jm pg  181-182
    2. return all forms 
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