
    1. If you are coming to camp but haven’t paid, tomorrow is the absolute last day you can pay unless your parents email Ms. Migliuri here: teresa.migliuri@sd41.bc.ca
    2. If you paid online, none of the transactions have gone through yet…. please try again or bring in a cheque/cash tomorrow
  2. S.S. Central Canada Region (Ontario and Quebec) due tomorrow
  3. Choir Practice 8am on TUESDAY (this is a tough one to remember because it’s after the loooong weekend)
  4. MATH: Make sure you have your Jump Math 4.1 book at school for next week (we are starting GEOMETRY!!!)
  5. Check out this cool video from our assembly earlier today:
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  1. camp forms/money due tom. 
  2. S.S Central Canada Region (Ontario/Quebec)
  3. Zoe and Molly comic ending due tom.
  4. crazy hair/hat day tom. 
  5. Parent signature and Math test corrections (whatever you can do on your own) due tomorrow
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  1. Math test tomorrow 
  2. camp forms and money due wed.
  3. S.S Central Canada Region (Ontario and Quebec)
  4. Zoe and Molly comic due Wed.
  5. crazy hair/hat day Wed.
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  1. math test on Tuesday
  2. math forms and money due wed
  3. S.S central region due thurs.
  4. sign and correct spelling test
  5. Zoe and Molly comic due tues.
  6. math extra practice p. 1-7 due mon
Categories: Uncategorized | 4 Comments


  1. vaisksakhi lunch tomorrow
  2. camp info night tonight
  3. S.S. (CENTRAL CAN.)due April 13 
  4. spelling test tomorrow
  5. Zoe and Molly comic due April 11
  6. camp form due April 12
  7. math 
    1. extra practice all pages
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  1. Camp forms and money
  2. S.S.( prairie region) due April 6 
  3. spelling test Friday
  4. Zoe and Molly comic due April 11 
  5. Science re-watch moon phase video
    1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=76-HAqNKqKA
    2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dm68O0zB-XE
  6. Math  
    1. MMS p. 216 – 217
    2. Math test on April 11
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Image result for school memes

  1.  camp forms and money
  2. S.S.(prairie region) due April 16
  3. Spelling test on Friday
  4.  Math 
    1. J.M p. 275-278
    2. Math test April 11 decimals/ fractions
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  1. Camp forms and money
  2. S.S. (Prairie Region) due April 6
  3. Music test Monday
  4. Sign and return spelling test Monday 
  5. Math 
    1. MMS p. 214 due Monday 
    2. Math Test April 11th fractions/decimals  
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  1. Camp forms and money 
  2. S.S. (Prairie Region) due April 6 
  3. Spelling test tom!!!!!! 
  4. Math
    1. MMS p. 214 due Monday
    2. Math Test April 6 on Fraction/decimals 
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Today’s Assembly

What a fun and educational way to learn about brass instruments! Special shout out to Maereg (Zeru’s brother), Logan and Victoria for volunteering today!!! 🙂

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