
  1. Play Thurs. 1:30 and 6:30 NEED TO BE HERE AT 6:15 PM
  2. Math 
    1. MMS pages 238 – 240 questions: 1,2,3,4,5,7,8
    2. (due Thursday)
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Andy Goldsworthy Inspired Art (late post)

[ngg_images source=”galleries” container_ids=”3″ display_type=”photocrati-nextgen_basic_thumbnails” override_thumbnail_settings=”0″ thumbnail_width=”240″ thumbnail_height=”160″ thumbnail_crop=”1″ images_per_page=”20″ number_of_columns=”0″ ajax_pagination=”0″ show_all_in_lightbox=”0″ use_imagebrowser_effect=”0″ show_slideshow_link=”1″ slideshow_link_text=”[Show slideshow]” order_by=”sortorder” order_direction=”ASC” returns=”included” maximum_entity_count=”500″]

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  1. pratice ha na ma na gan da
  2. math 
    1. mms page 238-240 #s 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, and 8 ONLY!
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  1. check the weather
  2. donate any broken umbrellas 
  3. practice “what makes the brave man brave”
  4. math
    1. J.M. 4.1 pages 156-162 and 166- 168
    2. m.m.s. pages 235-236 #1-4 both due monday
  5. freezie sale Monday small $1.00 mini .75 jumbo $2.00

















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Image result for school memes

  1. Peter pan performance song practised by Friday.
  2. please donate broken umbrellas for play.
  3. Math.
    1. Overdue work J.M. Pgs. 156-162.
    2. MMS. Pgs. 235- 236.
    3. J.M. Pgs. 166- 168 
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  1. please donate any broken or used umbrellas to the play
  2. start packing for camp!!! (We leave Monday at 7:30am)
  3. Math jm pg 4.1  pg 156-162 (due Wednesday but start TONIGHT)
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  1. S.S Atlantic region due thus.
  2. final reminder camp notice
  3. student led conferences tomorrow 2pm – 6pm
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  1. S.S(northern Region)due thurs.
  2. tickets for play
  3. choir t-shirt
  4. no school mon.
  5. bake sale tom $1
  6. Math
    1. mms pg 231
    2. jm 4.1 164


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  1. S.S (Atlantic Region) due Thursday 
  2. Ask/Beg your parents to volunteer for camp
  3. tickets for play ( Peter Pan) *green form*
  4. Math
    1. J.M 4.1 p. 148- 158 (Reading Recovery Group only do part A)
    2. MMS p.224-225 
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  1. S.S ( Atlantic region) due Thursday 
  2. Choir practice 8 am Tuesday 
  3. math – make sure you have J.M 4.1
  4. Watch this badminton video as many times as you need to remember/learn the rules: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UyLIi-TbcFc
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