

  1. gr 4 mms pg 160-161 questions 1-9
  2. gr 5 mms pg 147 due tom
  1. crossword due thurs
  2. art iPhone goals due tom
  3. music au clare de la lune – buns  cross hot
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  1.  math
    1. grade 4 mms pg. 158
    2. grade 5 mms pg. 142 144
  2. s.s research your topic
    1. fish
    2. timber
    3. minerals
  3. crosswords due Thursday
  4. art iphone goals due tom
  5. music au dlaire day la lune due wed
  6. Veggie Chip Notice
  7. Re-watch the video on the coral reef or bali volcano here:
    1.  http://resources.dynamic-classroom.ca/books/plec
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jan 12.2018

  1.  math
    1. gr 4 mms pg 154 155
    2. gr5 pg mms 140 141
    3. due Mon
  2. SS research your topic (due Tue)
    1. fish
    2. timber
    3. minerals
  3. crossword due Thursday
  4. L.A all questions due Mon
  5. practice music hcb + other son by Monday


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jan.11 2018

  1. math
    1. gr 4 mms pg  154 155
    2. gr 5 mms pg 140 141
  2. SS research your topic
    1. fish
    2. lumber
    3. minerals
  3. art/ i phone goals due tom!
  4. L.A good copy winter break fine line and colour
  5. music. practice hcb and a claire de ian abg practice 1-6
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January 10, 2018

  1. Math
    1. Grade 4s: J.M. 4.2 p. 286-288 (Area)
    2. Grade 5s: J.M 5.2 p. 287-290 (Volume)
  2. Science – go over test at home with your parents and get it signed (return to me tomorrow)
  3. Art: Iphone S.M.A.R.T. apps due Friday (fine lined and coloured)
  4. L.A. Winter Break paragraphs (written in pen) plus picture fine lined and coloured due Tom
  5. S.S. Timelines due Tom
  6. P.E. tomorrow (bring gym strip and proper shoes!!)



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1.math  gr 5 jump math 5.2 pg 283 285/gr 4 mms pg 151 152

2.science up to crystals due Thurs… TEST TOMORROW!! (Matter, Solutions, pH, Physical/Chemical changes)

3. music due wed

4.art iPhone goals/apps due fri

5.l.a good copy fine line picture due  thursday

6.social studies due Thurs


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  1. math
    1. gr 4 jump math pg 114 -118
    2. gr 5 mms pg 133-134
  2. science up to crystals due due thurs
  3. music due wed
  4. science quiz wednesday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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A Day in the Life of Division 5….

What a fun last day of school before the Winter Break! 🙂 Wishing you all an amazing break…. I will think of you in Cuba (maybe 😉 ) Check out how fun today was:

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1.class party tom!!!(bring supplies if you signed up)
2.ss questions due tom
3.art/French due Fri
4.pancake breakfast Friday( wear pj’s optional) also bring OWN cutlery(knife,fork,plate,mug,ziplock,)
5.NO MATH!!!

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  1. Plastic bag fundraiser
  2. bring magazines for art project
  3. study for science test next Tues.
  4. Puberty/self-esteem quiz TOMORROW
  5. math
    1. MMS p. 265 due Mon.
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