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Wed., Oct 30, 2019

Posted by on October 30, 2019

  • Math due Fri
    • 4: p. 37
    • 5: (none… unless you weren’t here. Then you should play the game on p. 39)
  • Pink Ringette notice due by Nov. 5
    • we get a FREE field trip (but we need parent volunteer drivers)
  • Be a Giant due Nov. 7
  • S.S. due Tue
    • Response sheet
  • L.A. due Tom
    • Disappearing Corner stores
    • Full sentences
    • 3-5 sentences for Critical Thinking IN YOUR OWN WORDS
  • Bring pumpkin/tools to school tomorrow for PUMPKIN CARVING
  • Core Competency Booklets due Wed
    • finished
    • remember to put forward your best work as these get included in your final report cards
    • NO masks
    • NO accessories
    • NO weapons
    • NO blood/gore
    • If you decide to bring a part of your costume to school and it gets wrecked or forgotten, you will be sad. If you risk it, be prepared for the consequences.



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