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Thurs., Oct. 17, 2019

Posted by on October 17, 2019


  • Math due Tom
    • do corrections (on a SEPARATE piece of paper)
    • get parent signature on test (only after corrections are done or difficult questions are marked with a * or a sticky note)
    • return tests to Mrs. Suh
    • (Shayla, Sami, Anika, and Lucius — excused for today)
  • Booklets due Wed
    • up to and including Communication
  • S.S. due Tue
    • complete both sides of budget sheet
    • Community Connections — questions
  • Spirit Day Tom
    • wear orange/black
  • L.A. due Tom
    • edit Pen Pals (Wed)
  • Book Fair Tom 
    • LAST DAY (lunch/after school)



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