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Wed., Oct. 16, 2019

Posted by on October 16, 2019

  • Core Competency Booklets
    • completed up to and including Communication
    • ***** DON’T LOSE THESE!!!!!*******
    • see image at the bottom of today’s post for some sample “I can..” statements.
  • Math
    • Mrs. Suh is still marking the tests… stay tuned.
  • S.S. (due Tom)
    • review everything (take home binder and re-read everything)
    • Read Tax Article
    • Budget Activity (fill in for two days)
  • Science (due Tues)
    • Fineline and colour cover page
  • Picture Orders (due Tom)
  • Spirit Day (Fri)
    • wear Orange and Black
    • you will get house points for Sports Day!
  • Book Fair
    • Wed/Fri (lunch and after school)

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