This year our Outdoor Classroom Committee began dreaming about design ideas to improve the outdoor classroom. We asked the Stoney Creek Community to complete a survey about managing the surface of the outdoor classroom surface. We also invited an architect into our discussion and decided to create a concept drawing. The architect was inspired by a raven. Can you see the animal in the design? Please provide your thoughts in the comments below.
Click on this link to find a great resource for using around the school trails.
thank you to Ms. Huckle for putting it together.
Remember all species who share the water, air and land need our help to live and thrive in place. Please stay on the trails.
Please enjoy the traditional teachings on this new site
Dear Stoney Creek families, I miss you all very much! I am curious to know if anyone is growing a garden. Please add a comment below to share what you growing.
Almost all students at Stoney Creek have tasted these food items as part of our lessons in seasonal rounds. Many students feel proud sharing their knowledge about their family food traditions.
Intermediate students have had a chance to learn some new skills while making signs for the local forest. In collaboration with the Stoney Creek Environment Committee and Stream of Dreams Mural Society, the students are providing a great service to the community. The signs will identify new plants along the forest trail that require protection. Stay tuned for the final products.