
Do you know what a noun is? How about a proper noun? Here is a language lesson for all learners. Watch the video and look below for activities for all grade levels. Don’t forget to take a picture of your finished work and send it to your classroom teacher and to  Ms. Spratt!


Kindergarten Activity:

Draw a picture with 3 or more nouns in it. Label the nouns. Try to write the words by saying and writing the sounds you know. If you are not ready to write the words, try to write the first letter sound in the word.

Grade 1-3 Activity:

Make a list of 10 or more nouns. Try to include animal, person, place and thing nouns. Now choose 5 nouns and write a sentence for each noun. Finally, underline the noun in each sentence.

Grade 4-7 Activity:

Proper nouns are the specific names of things. Proper nouns must begin with a capital. Hunt around your home for proper nouns. Look on packages, mail, and in books. Make a list of 10 proper nouns. Be sure to use a capital for every word (example: Mr. Bob Builder). Finally, write a sentence using each proper noun. Underline the proper noun.

Happy English learning!