Salina & Angela – Heat

Sarah- Heat

Zoe -Heat

Students videos on Thermal Energy

Image result for thermal energy clip artImage result for movie clip art

Dear students,

We have been making our own thermal energy videos from books we read on the topic.  Please will begin watching and listening to your classmate’s videos next week.  You may share positive comments or questions after watching them.  I can’t wait to see them all!

Please bring a set of earphones to school on Monday, May 29th.  Please put it in a ziplock bag with your name on it.  We will likely use them for 2-3 weeks.

From, Ms. Sim

tomatosphere update- May 23rd

Dear Students,

Today our tomato plants have grown even more!  If plants need air, water, soil and sun to grow.  Would seeds also need that sort of environment to be healthy too?  Group G has twenty-two plants growing and Group H has twenty-three plants growing.  

After this beautiful sunny weekend, I know I need sunshine to grow, too.  What are some things you need to grow healthy and strong?

Sincerely, Ms. Sim

Tomatosphere update- Monday, May 15th, 2017

Dear Students,

Today is Monday, May 15th.  Our plants have been growing for 13 days.  How many plants have grown in group G?  How many plants have grown in Group H?

Feel free to share your thoughts and questions!

Sincerely, Ms Sim

Tomatosphere: How many have germinated?

Dear students,

We planted our tomato seeds last Tuesday, May 2nd, 2017.  Today  is Monday, May 8th.  How many days have past?

How many tomato plants have germinated in Group G? How many tomato plants have germinated in Group H?

From, Ms. Sim

Tomatosphere seed packages

These two packages of seeds were sent to us. Which package spent time at the international space station?

Dear students,

We have been give two packages of seeds, package G and package H.  One package spent time on the International Space Station in July/August 2016 for 6 weeks.  The other package stayed on our planet.  

Which package do you think would grow more tomatoes and why?  Please share.

From, Ms Sim

Introduction to Tomatosphere

Image result for astronauts and plantsImage result for astronaut images

Dear students,

We are involved in an out-of-this-world class research experiment called Tomatosphere.

What did you find interesting from the Tomatosphere introduction video?  Please share your questions.  Why would astronauts need to learn about growing plants?  Why do you think we should we study about plants?  What do you think would happen to seeds if they went to outer space?  I look forward to reading your comments.

From, Ms. Sim

Thank you to students and our parent volunteers!


Dear students,

We had such a wonderful day on Friday releasing our salmon at Byrne Creek.  I thank all of you for following directions and for making it such a fun day.  I would like to say a special thank you to our parent volunteers, Nathalie’s father and to both Bowen and Kieran’s mothers.  They helped to keep everyone safe and for the field trip to run so smoothly.  

Thanks also again for Kieran’s mom for giving each student a gift.  Please say a thank you to all our parents, Ms. Dittrich and also to Kieran’s mom (Ms Chung) for your gift.  Feel free to share what your received and why you chose it.

Sincerely, Ms. Sim