Category Archives: Science

Introduction to Tomatosphere

Image result for astronauts and plantsImage result for astronaut images

Dear students,

We are involved in an out-of-this-world class research experiment called Tomatosphere.

What did you find interesting from the Tomatosphere introduction video?  Please share your questions.  Why would astronauts need to learn about growing plants?  Why do you think we should we study about plants?  What do you think would happen to seeds if they went to outer space?  I look forward to reading your comments.

From, Ms. Sim

Byrne Creek Salmon Release

Dear Students,

Today we will be saying goodbye to our 55 Chum salmon fry that we raised in our pod and will release them at Byrne Creek.  They need to be in a river to eat and grow into smolt as they swim to the ocean and then return one day to spawn.

Please share your thoughts about the salmon release today.  How do you feel about releasing our salmon into the creek?  Why do we need to do this?  Please make connections.


Ms. Sim

Delay of the Sockeye video

Image result for salmon dam 

Dear students,

Today we watched a video made BC Hydro and had a very interesting classroom discussion about people and salmon.  Our lives are connected.  The Sockeye  spawners trip up the river was delayed due to the building of a dam.  Many of the salmon didn’t make in time to the river where they were hatched and were not able to spawn.

What did you find interesting about this video?  Please share your questions or comments.

Sincerely, Ms Sim

PS: When they build dams nowadays they try and keep the salmon in mind and build fish ladders.  This is what a fish ladder looks like.

Image result for fish ladder at dam

The Salmon Twins

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